Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Projected image onto wood, sculpty, gouache, glue, & ink jet printed paper. Continuation of the exploration of the prison visitor room at a smaller scale. It is looking inside of a box that creates a more intimate & realistically "rough" environment.

Adi Shachar

I'm playing around with materials, and laborious detail.
hoping to eventually create an architectural "body".
The "body" will have a system of compartments and spaces covered in skin,
and infestations (3rd image)

Flannery Silva

Image projected onto ink jet printed paper. Referencing the visiting rooms that are/were in prisons- usually painted murals of scenic landscapes onto the cinder block walls of the room. Exploring the idea of projecting hopeful scenes onto shitty situations.

Erica Sadler


This video contains two shortened clips of two much longer videos of me sitting as still as I can with the device holding my neck to keep me from moving. I'm still debating whether this would be more effective as a video loop or a live performance.

Austin Voll

space as extension
masonite, hand made paper, plaster, gesso, oil
10 1/2 x 13 x 3

Annie Jackson

week one:
Paraffin Wax cast hands on a raw wax base with embedded amber led lights.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Adi Shachar

Interested in the internal space being active.
The relationship to architecture and how the piece could interact with it's surrounding in an isolated form, leaving the viewer in the external space.
Barriers and the intimacy of isolation.
The video projection is intended to capture a moment experienced in one's own skin, while the transparency of the material is meant to echo that notion of skin and architecture.

Amanda Horowitz

fiberx blowing wool.
The material keeps the shape of the an imprint much better than memory foam does, it does not give the imprint back in any way.

insulating the back side of floor moldings. I found that I could use the negative space of the floor moldings as a way to shape the blowing wool into identical forms. I like the relationship between the insulated moldings and the blown wool shapes of the moldings

Colin Foster

(Last Week)

Replication of Television Obstacle

Felt, Wood, Pool Noodle, Yoga Ball

Removing the context of the form and replacing it with another.

garrett lee

Exploration of interaction through virtual space.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nick Vyssotsky


Various Generic Forms Of Mountain Dew

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Erica Sadler

Doll stand for my height. The doll stand weighs what I did when I was born.